Schools in China face third year of disrupted schedules and demanding COVID controls | Japan Breaking News | Top Stories | Political | Business | Entertainment | Sport – – China News, Data, Media Intelligence and Insights


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Students in China are facing a third year marred by unpredictable schedules, as schools across the country postpone classes in an effort to get COVID-19 outbreaks under control. Schools in major cities — including the southern tech hub of Shenzhen, panda-rich Chengdu in the southwest, and the northern port hub Tianjin — are deferring restart dates amid virus flare-ups. Numerous other provinces including Zhejiang, Henan, Liaoning and Jilin are also seeing delays, according to municipal government statements. Nationwide, there were 1,293 local cases recorded for Aug. 30. This could be due to a conflict with your ad-blocking or security software....